Centre for Social Research and Methods
ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences
Bruce Smyth is Professor of Family Studies at the Centre for Social Research and Methods at ANU.
He has been working as a social scientist in family law for almost three decades. Prior to joining ANU in March 2007, Bruce worked at the Australian Institute of Family Studies in Melbourne as a Senior Research Fellow. In June 2018, he received the Stanley Cohen Distinguished Research Award from the American Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (AFCC) in recognition of outstanding research and research achievements in the field of family and divorce.
In 2021, Bruce and his colleagues were awarded the Meyer Elkin Essay Award for the best article in Family Court Review: COVID-19 in Australia: Impacts on separated families, family law professionals, and family courts.
He and colleagues are currently running a large evaluation of post-separation parenting smartphone apps. Bruce is also involved in projects looking at pre-nuptial agreements (with Miranda Kaye, Belinda Fehlberg and Lisa Sarmas), and the meaning of home to children (with Belinda Fehlberg, Kris Natalier and Monica Campo).