Professor Hanna Suominen is the Associate Director (Engagement and Impact) of the ANU School of Computing, the Big Data Program Leader of the ANU research initiative Our Health in Our Hands (OHIOH), and Associate Director (Neuroinformatics) at the ANU Eccles Institute of Neuroscience.

Hanna has almost 20 years’ experience of contributing to the interface between technology, education, and health/social sciences. She is at the forefront of accelerating health impact from precision medicine technology, through the application of advanced analytics and Machine Learning (ML).

Hanna has discovered methods to detect Parkinsonian biomarkers based ML on human voice that are imperceptible to a neurologist; developed smart sports-sensors for the Australian Institute of Sports (AIS) and web search engines used by the Turku University Hospital, NICTA, and CSIRO.

Her contributions to longitudinal, multimodal data analytics for saving, structuring, and summarising data are illustrated by her ML/NLP-method, research, teaching, and business awards, and by co-chairing of the eHealth evaluation lab by the Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum (CLEF) in 2012-2021. She has authored about 190 publications, collaborating with 80 co-authors from 15 countries, including colleagues at Harvard, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Max Planck Society, and Karolinska Institute. Hanna’s studies have been published in the most prestigious CS journals and cited approximately 2,400 times.

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