Dr Hayley Boxall is a Research Fellow at the ANU Centre of Social Research Methods.

Dr Boxall has been undertaking research on domestic and family violence (DFV) and sexual violence for over 10 years.

She has published extensively on these topics, with a primary focus on pathways/trajectories into DFV offending and intimate partner femicide, offending and reoffending patterns of DFV perpetrators, and DFV desistance processes.

Prior to joining the ANU, Hayley was the Manager of the Australian Institute of Criminology’s Violence against Women and Children Research Program.

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Naming and shaming domestic violence perpetrators doesn’t work to keep women safe. Here’s why

Recent survey results show 25 per cent of Australians agree that women who do not leave abusive relationships are partly…


Younger Australians less likely to disapprove of coercive control 

The vast majority of Australians consider coercive control unacceptable, but only just over half of the population know…

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