Institute for Climate, Energy and Disaster Solutions
ANU College of Science
Dr Melanie Pill is a Research Fellow at the ANU Institute for Climate, Energy and Disaster Solutions.
Her area of expertise, in particular, is climate change loss and damage and adaptation and its financing under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) with a focus on small island development states.
As a social and political scientist, Melanie is passionate about catalysing change in international policy development through evidence-based research drawing on her extensive qualitative research skills. To achieve this goal, she regularly attended meetings of the UNFCCC such as the Conference of the Parties as a delegate as well as a representative for The Australian National University.
Using her expert knowledge, she has also worked as consultant for organisations and governments in the Pacific, shaping regional and national climate change policy.
Prior to her career in research and academia, Melanie was a public servant in various environmental government departments, where she developed policies and strategies for climate change adaptation and mitigation.