Professor Shirley Leitch is a Professorial Fellow at the Australian Studies Institute.

Professor Leitch is a political scientist by training with an interest in public discourse and change: in how governments, political parties, corporations, interest groups, and social movements try to influence how we think, what we think, and how we behave.

Her interests have led to projects on topics as varied as genetically modified food, the super-profits mining tax and the 2019 Christchurch terrorist attack. Her latest project is the ANU Press book, ‘Rethinking Social Media and Extremism’.

She has had a long career as a researcher and academic leader, including serving as Dean of the ANU College of Business and Economics, and Deputy Vice Chancellor of Global Engagement at ANU. Shirley also co-founded one of Australia’s most successful university spin-out companies – Online Education Services.

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Clickbait extremism, mass shootings, and the assault on democracy – time for a rethink of social media?

Social media companies have done well out of the United States congressional hearings on the January 6 insurrection.…

26 September 2022

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