Dr Zena Assaad is a Senior Research Fellow in the ANU School of Engineering and a fellow with the Trusted Autonomous Defence Cooperative Research Centre (TAS DCRC).

Zena studied a Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering and completed a PhD exploring decision making under uncertainty to support strategic air traffic flow management.

Prior to joining ANU, Zena has worked as a liaison officer, bridging the communication between civil and military airspace, she worked on Australia’s first satellite-based augmentation systems project and has also worked as a research specialist with Australia’s aviation regulatory body.

Zena currently pursues research in the areas of systems engineering for emerging technology, safety management systems for robotics, autonomous systems and AI and regulation and assurance of emerging technology capabilities.

Fields of expertise



Alternative fuels are no direct ticket to sustainable air travel

Commercial aviation contributes to 2.5 per cent of global carbon dioxide emissions. To put that into perspective, aviation…


Are we ready for the next generation of drones?

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17 February 2023

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