Frank Jotzo is Professor of Climate Change Economics and Policy at the ANU Crawford School of Public Policy, and Head of Energy at the ANU Institute for Climate, Energy and Disaster Solutions.

Professor Jotzo has been a lead author with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, joint editor-in-chief of the academic journal Climate Policy, has advised governments in Australia and international organisations, and contributed to policy assessments in countries in the Asia-Pacific. His research spans decarbonisation strategies, economics of energy transition, analysis and modelling of policy instruments for climate change and environment, and international trade and development.

Fields of expertise



The COP28 agreement is progress, but countries still have plenty of wiggle room

COP28 is the first time that a United Nations (UN) decision acknowledged the need for the decline of not only…


‘It can be done. It must be done’: IPCC delivers definitive report on climate change, and where to now

The world is in deep trouble on climate change, but if we really put our shoulder to the…


Climate change worsening, but we have the means to act

Climate change impacts are larger, more rapid and worse than previous estimates, but humanity has the means to…


Crisis weighs heavy on COP27 but climate opportunity awaits

The COP26 UN climate conference a year ago in Glasgow forged some promising agreements and announcements to push…


Bleak outlook for Australian coal exports to China

China’s demand for coal imports, including from Australia, will drop significantly by 2025, according to new modelling led…


Australia has a critical role in tackling climate change

The world has every chance to cut emissions deeply and Australia is critical to the global effort, say…


Australia’s low targets high on COP26 agenda

The world will expect Australia to “ratchet up” its emissions reduction target during the United Nation’s climate change…


New study offers roadmap for coal phase-out

Coal will need to be phased out of the world’s economy to meet the climate change challenge, but…


World’s largest study shows carbon pricing reduces emissions

There is strong evidence that carbon pricing works to strongly reduce emissions, according to the world’s largest study…

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